The Introduction to Illicit Markets of Illegal Agricultural Input course has been of great help to my professional performance. The main contribution of the course is that it helped me to understand how these markets work and to identify the most common illegal inputs. This knowledge allowed me to speed up police work and to implement a computerized system to carry out checks became paramount. The course provided me with an overview of the illegal trade in agricultural inputs, including the history, geography and economics of the phenomenon. The course also covers the legal and regulatory framework governing agricultural input markets, as well as methods for investigating and prosecuting crimes related to these markets.
As an Officer of the Military Police of the State of Mato Grosso, active in the Rural Patrol in the region of Rondonópolis, one of the largest producing poles in the Brazilian countryside, I have the opportunity daily to act in criminal cases related to agribusiness. The main difficulty encountered by the operational troops was the lack of technical knowledge to carry out the inspection of fertilizers and pesticides during police approaches. The course represents an excellent guide for police officers, revealing the minimum knowledge that the agent needs to detect suspicious situations during approaches and occurrences. The content complemented previously acquired knowledge and confirmed that our search for partnerships and instructions with the private agribusiness sector are the correct way to improve and sediment this knowledge, in addition to enriching and subsidizing the material for the instruction of the Military Police that we use in our Command. Regional.
The Course on Introduction to Illegal Agricultural Input Markets brings in itself many properties, not allowing the election of a Main, since if we are poor observers of the worlds around us we can miss certain very important nuances, the approach of the Academy in life of the Public Security Professional causes several changes and improvements, some immediate and highly perceptible, such as the propagation of scientific knowledge and knowledge, based on research, but in the affective areas there is also a great and effective change in behaviors and paradigms, among them we can highlight self-esteem and social awareness, so even an Illegal Agricultural Inputs Introductory Course, promoted and certified by the Academy, in addition to providing knowledge is also providing well-being, it became clear throughout this Course the Academy demonstrated a form of Public/Private Partnership , without, however, causing constraints.
Social evolution has brought with it the improvement and professionalization of criminal practices, so that crime has spread to all sectors, making use of advanced techniques that aim to deceive public authorities and the population in order to obtain undue advantages. Criminal activity in agricultural input markets is an example of this form of criminality, which takes advantage of the expertise of the actors involved and the inherent vulnerabilities of the sector. This course, in addition to providing basic subsidies for understanding the sector, brought elements that enable effective action in the face of this type of crime. The practical examples of investigation indicated demonstrate the complexity that permeates such cases, requiring the adoption of innovative postures by public authorities, based on the ideas of cooperation, improvement and reinvention, with this new look at crime being the greatest contribution of the course to professional action
The course on Introduction to Illegal Agricultural Input Markets contributed to my knowledge of the topic addressed, with the explanation and notion of counterfeiting of products, the functioning of organizations whose objective is to trade in counterfeit and/or stolen products, also demonstrating the difficulty in combating organizations that operate inside and outside Brazilian territory in the trade of products. It showed a very detailed view of how organizations act and interact for their performance and how they are organized. With the course I was able to get a sense of the concept of pesticides and the consequences of their misuse or use of counterfeit pesticides, the application of legislation and crimes involving such activities. Actions such as the course should be carried out every year so that the professional, who works directly and indirectly, in the fight against trade, is updated on the legislation as well as on new methods of counterfeiting products.
The main contribution of the course on Introduction to Illegal Agricultural Input Markets for professional practice is to bring new knowledge to crimes involving this illicit activity and which brings many health risks. Generally, this activity ends up being minimally investigated as property crimes or forgery, but they must be faced much more complex, as it relates to crimes such as criminal organization, money laundering, corruption, among others, aligned with forgery and property crimes. . The topic is quite important, but it is not given the necessary attention, especially in regions further away from the interior, where it can occur in the dark or are being treated in a simpler way than they are. Brazil is still an eminently agricultural country, and it needs to take care of the attributes that surround this rural activity. Therefore, it is essential to give due importance to this topic, expanding the horizons of investigation and knowledge.
The School of Multidimensional Security (ESEM) is part of the Institute of International Relations (IRI) of the University of São Paulo (USP).